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Teaching the ABCs of DNA for NN/LM MAR

IMAGE BY Amanda Van Buren
IMAGE BY Amanda Van Buren

In this genomic era, many people are eager to learn about personal genomics and personalized medicine, yet feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information. These complex topics encompass not only scientific and medical concerns, but also ethical, legal, and social issues. To assist in the dissemination of awareness about these issues, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine is offering a four hour continuing education class, “ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetic Information for Consumers,taught by HSLS Molecular Biology Information Specialist Carrie Iwema. The class is designed specifically for health sciences and public librarians, as well as consumers.

Based on her experience teaching the popular “Personal Genomics, Personalized Medicine, and You” class, Iwema applied for and received a training award from the NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region to provide three in-person “ABCs of DNA” classes to NN/LM MAR constituents in either Delaware, New Jersey, New York, or Pennsylvania. On December 6, 2012, the first class was taught to 16 librarians at the Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library on Long Island, New York, during the Medical Library Association’s New York/New Jersey Chapter’s Hospital Library Services Program annual meeting.

The second class was presented to 26 librarians at the Metropolitan New York Library Council Training Center in New York City on February 26, 2013. The third class, sponsored by the Western New York Library Resources Council, will be held on April 12, 2013, in Buffalo, New York.

Other upcoming classes on personal genomics and personalized medicine include:

The demand from librarians and the public for instruction on these topics demonstrates a strong interest and need to learn more about genomics, DNA, personalized medicine, and personal genomics. For more information, please explore the Personal Genomics & Personalized Medicine LibGuide or send an e-mail to Carrie Iwema.

~ Carrie Iwema