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HSLS Participation at the Medical Library Association’s Annual Conference

HSLS librarians actively participated at the Medical Library Association’s (MLA) Annual Meeting held in Boston, Mass., from May 3–8, 2013.

Contributed Papers

Lydia Collins, consumer health coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, presented “Information Everywhere in Support of Elder Care: Health Promotion Programs for the Aging Population” and along with co-author Annamore Matmbanadzo1, presented “Crossing Boundaries to Provide Health Outreach to African Americans and African Immigrants.”

1. Department of Family Medicine, University of Pittsburgh.

Barbara Folb, public health informationist, presented “Building the Capacity of Community-Based Organizations to Obtain Funds: Librarians Teaching Grant Seeking Skills.”

Reference librarians Linda Hartman, Andrea Ketchum, Mary Lou Klem, and Melissa Ratajeski, along with co-authors Barbara Folb, public health informationist, Charles Wessel, head of research and reference initiatives, and Ahlam Saleh1, presented “What Happens After: Outcomes of a Systematic Review Course.”

1. Arizona Health Sciences Library, University of Arizona.

Reference librarians Michele Klein-Fedyshin and Andrea Ketchum presented “The Core or Not-So-Core Clinical Journals Subset: Data-Driven Evidence on Clinical Utility.”

Poster Presentations

Lydia Collins, consumer health coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, presented “Beyond the Library Doors: Consumer Health Outreach in Community Based Organizations.”

Kate Flewelling, outreach coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, presented “Supporting the Information Needs of Critical Access Hospitals.” Co-author was Jeffrey Garvey1.

1. Hunter-Rice Health Sciences Library, Samaritan Medical Center, Watertown, N.Y.

Jill Foust, reference librarian, and Julia Jankovic, technology services librarian, presented “Video versus Online Text Tutorials: Consideration of Learning Styles” and Foust, along with co-author Mary Lou Klem, reference librarian, presented “Integrating Student Evaluations into Online Teaching.”

Melissa J. Harvey, technology and communication coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, presented “Tomato or Tomahto? Helping Medical Librarians Collaborate with Science Librarians to Improve the Value of Libraries.”

Carrie Iwema, information specialist in Molecular Biology, presented “Video-On-Demand: Bioinformatics Instruction When Needed.” Co-author was Ansuman Chattopadhyay, head, Molecular Biology Information Service.

Other Conference Activities

Barbara Epstein, HSLS director, presented “Developing a High Performance Staff” to the New Directors Symposium, Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries. Epstein also facilitated the Scholarly Communication Issues Roundtable Discussion and chaired the MLA Scholarly Communication Committee.

Kate Flewelling, outreach coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, completed a three-year term on the MLA National Program Committee for the 2013 annual meeting.

Barbara Folb, public health informationist, chairs the Public Health/Health Administration Section’s Client Relations Committee.

Carrie Iwema, information specialist in Molecular Biology, taught the continuing education course, “Personal Genomics, Personalized Medicine, and You.” Iwema was also a contributed paper judge for the MLA Research Section and chaired the Grants & Scholarships Committee meeting.

~ Jill Foust