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HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, etc.


Jonathon Erlen, history of medicine librarian, published “Current Journal Articles on Disability History: Dissertations” in H-Disability: an H-Net Discussion Network, December 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013.


In 2013, the HSLS Director and six faculty librarians will celebrate 20 years or more of service at the University of Pittsburgh.

Back Row L-R:

  • Jonathon Erlen, History of Medicine librarian, has worked at HSLS for over 28 years. His career at Pitt has enabled him to greatly expand his library and history of medicine knowledge bases; given him the opportunity to assist patrons; teach at all levels; and provide continuing medical education in the history of medicine.
  • Jill Foust, reference librarian, began working at HSLS in 1989. In addition to traditional reference work, she has served as user education coordinator, liaison to the School of Nursing, and currently as HSLS Web site editor and HSLS Update content editor.
  • Linda Hartman, reference librarian, earned her MLS while working at Hillman Library, and served as the librarian for Semester at Sea. She also spent a summer with the Nationality Rooms Program working on the archives.
  • Charlie Wessel, head of Research and Reference Initiatives, joined HSLS in 1986. Over the years, his roles have evolved to include user education to UPMC clinicians, overseeing hospital library programs, and managing the circulation and document delivery departments. His experienced literature searching and reference skills enable him to contribute to clinician education, advanced user instruction, research support, and academic scholarship.

Front Row L-R:

  • Ester Saghafi, reference librarian, has provided library and information services to the faculty, residents, fellows, students, and staff at Pitt’s Schools of Health Sciences since 1983. For Saghafi, “The journey has been a rich, challenging and enjoyable life experience.”
  • Barbara Epstein, HSLS director, began as reference librarian (1975-1985) at Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic (WPIC) Library, and then served as WPIC Library director from 1985-1995. She transferred to HSLS as associate director in 1995, and was appointed HSLS director in 2004.
  • Rebecca Abromitis, reference librarian, has worked at Pitt since 1984. As a reference librarian at HSLS for 15 years, she “feels gratified to support the efforts of Pitt health science researchers, clinicians and students who are helping to make the world a healthier place.”