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QR Codes Explained

You see them in magazines, bus stops, and now at Falk Library, but do you know what those unusual looking black and white graphics are?

What are QR codes?

Quick response (QR) codes are sophisticated barcodes that can be used to quickly and easily link to information on mobile devices, such as smartphones. These codes, once scanned, can direct you to a Web site, provide you with contact information, download an MP3 file, or dial a telephone number, among others.

How do I use QR codes?

To “read” or scan QR codes, your device must be equipped with a camera and a QR reader. Some smartphones come equipped with QR reader software, but others require it to be downloaded. To download the software, depending on your device, you can you can search the iPhone App Store, the Android Market, or browse

Where will you see QR codes in Falk Library?

Look for QR codes in the print book collection, where they will be used to promote our electronic books. You will also see QR codes appearing on our print class calendars and event advertisements.

If you have any questions regarding QR codes, contact the Main Desk at 412-648-8866 and ask to speak to a reference librarian, or email Ask A Librarian.

~ Melissa Ratajeski