This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Watch for It: HSLS FlashClass

You know how it goes: You see the list of upcoming HSLS classes. You notice one you’d like to attend when it’s offered in two months. Maybe you even mark it on your calendar. But, by the scheduled date, things have changed, and a competing commitment demands priority.

To address this situation, HSLS will soon be testing a new program of classes inspired by popular deal-of-the-day Web sites such as Groupon and Living Social. Based on just-in-time scheduling, the FlashClass system will propose two topics each week and invite HSLS patrons to sign up for a one-hour class the following week. If enough people sign up, we’ll notify them and then hold the class.

The idea is to shorten the turnaround time between scheduling and teaching a class, to focus on topics you’re interested in at the moment, and to accommodate your shifting schedule.

Watch for FlashClass announcements and e-mails in early 2013. If you’re already on the HSLS Update mailing list, you’ll receive them automatically. Sign up now to add yourself to the list.

~ Patricia Weiss