This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

NLM Global Health Exhibit Aligns with Pitt Initiatives

HSLS hosted the National Library of Medicine (NLM) traveling exhibit “Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health” from January 16 to February 25. During that time, a number of visitors from the schools of the health sciences and beyond took advantage of the opportunity to view the exhibit, attend a lecture on global health and war, and attend associated lectures and film screenings sponsored by other groups at the University.

Library administration and staff (Barbara Epstein, Barbara Folb, Leslie Czechowski, John Erlen, and Marion Couch) who worked on the exhibit and related events were pleased to note the extent of collaboration and interest in global health at the University. The Center for Global Health, which cosponsored Samuel Watson’s lecture on global health and war, provides a “unifying framework for global health research and scholarship” among eight schools and seven centers at the University. Faculty, staff and students with an interest in global health are strongly encouraged to visit the Center’s Web site to keep up on global health events and opportunities at the University.

If you missed seeing the exhibit in person, you can go to the exhibit Web site to view the exhibit materials along with supplementary documents, videos, audio files and images. NLM produces many traveling exhibits; watch for Rewriting the Book of Nature: Charles Darwin & the Rise of Evolutionary Theory, the next NLM exhibit coming to Falk Library in fall 2012.

~ Barb Folb