This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

CLC Main Workbench: Easy Access to DNA, RNA, and Protein Analyses

HSLS is pleased to introduce expanded access to CLC Main Workbench, an integrated research tool that enables users to perform advanced DNA, RNA, and protein sequence analyses, combined with gene expression analysis, data management, and graphical viewing and output options.

Product features include:

  1. Expression analysis including digital gene expression (e.g. heat map and scatter plot visualizations, statistics)
  2. DNA sequence analysis (e.g. in silico PCR, gateway cloning, primer design)
  3. RNA structure analysis (e.g. secondary structure prediction, multiple viewing options)
  4. Protein sequence analysis (e.g. antigenicity, proteolytic cleavage detection)
  5. Pattern search (e.g. motif search, pattern discovery)
  6. Database searches (e.g. NCBI, UniProt)
  7. Project and data management (e.g. full data integration, multiple file formats)

Reasons to try CLC Main Workbench:

  1. Available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms
  2. One hundred concurrent licenses, offering users continuous access, on AND off campus (using remote access)
  3. Provides an alternative to Vector NTI and Lasergene
  4. Easy transition to Next Gen Sequencing analysis via CLC Genomics Workbench
  5. User support:

CLC Main Workbench is available to University of Pittsburgh faculty, staff, and students.

To register, visit CLC Main Workbench: Registration on the Molecular Biology portal. For information about any HSLS-licensed molecular biology resource, contact Carrie Iwema at 412-383-6887 or e-mail Ask A MolBio Librarian.

Parts of this article were reprinted from CLC bio.

~ Carrie Iwema