This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Access HSLS E-Books via QR Codes

HSLS provides over 2,000 titles in our e-book collection. To encourage e-book usage, quick response (QR) codes have been posted throughout Falk Library’s print book collection.

Using QR codes is easy! Simply scan a code with your mobile device equipped with a camera and a QR reader, and you will be directed to a Web listing of e-books related to a specific subject such as: nursing, cardiology, anatomy, or internal medicine. The full text of each book is readily available online for users logged into the Pitt wireless network or via remote access through your own personal wireless connection.

Not familiar with QR codes? See the article, “QR Codes Explained,” in the December 2011 issue of the HSLS Update. If you have ideas on how else you would like to see QR codes used in the library, please e-mail

~ Melissa Ratajeski