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Information was current at time of publication.

NLM Associate Fellow Kristen Greenland Visits HSLS

During the week of April 4, 2011, HSLS hosted Kristen Greenland, National Library of Medicine Associate Fellow. The NLM Associate Fellow program “is designed to provide a broad foundation in health sciences information services, and to prepare librarians for future leadership roles in health sciences libraries and in health services research.”

During her visit, Greenland met with several HSLS faculty librarians to gain an overview of library activities. She also gave a presentation to library faculty about her projects at NLM.

Greenland received her MLIS and PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Washington, and a BA from Carleton College with a major in biology.  During her time in the MLIS program, she worked as a research scientist in the biochemistry department where she studied cell division regulation in yeast.  Greenland has completed an internship at the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Pacific Northwest Regional Medical Library and participated in a study abroad program to the Netherlands in the summer of 2009.


~ Jill Foust