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Information was current at time of publication.

HSL S Awarded Funding to Purchase iPads

HSLS reference librarians may spend a significant portion of their time outside of the library, consulting with users in their school or office settings. A frequent frustration is that opportunities for on-the-fly instruction may be lost due to technology challenges, such as lack of wireless connections, no suitable mobile computing device, or inability to easily “share” a screen. To address this problem, HSLS has won a Technology Improvement Award from the Middle Atlantic Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.

The funding will enable HSLS to purchase Apple iPads for reference librarians on the go. With the iPads, librarians will be able to create a “virtual library” to enhance off-site consultations and educational or clinical support opportunities. In addition to the iPads, tools to support the new “virtual library” include HelvetiNote, optional keyboards, and display hardware.

And if you’d like to check out an iPad for your own use, you can borrow one from Falk Library’s Computer and Media Center (CMC).

~ Fran Yarger