This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Global Health Exhibit Coming to Falk Library

Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health, a traveling exhibit produced by the National Library of Medicine, is coming to Falk Library January 16, 2012, through February 25, 2012. The exhibit highlights examples of communities, countries, and international organizations successfully preventing disease, improving access to healthy food, promoting community health, and addressing the effects of war and violence on health.

HSLS and the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Global Health are sponsoring the following events during the exhibit. The exhibit and events are open to the general public. Registration is not required.

Thursday, January 19, 4–6:30 pm., Scaife Hall, Lecture Room 5

Sam Watson will present “Global Health in a Wartime Setting—Iraq,” with a panel discussion to follow.

Sam Watson recently returned from two years serving as State Department senior public health adviser in Diwaniyah Province, Iraq. The Provincial Reconstruction Team he advised was tasked with building public health capacity in the Iraqi system. He will speak on his experiences in Iraq.

Prior to his experience in Iraq, he was associate professor of Public Health Practice at Pitt’s Graduate School of Public Health where he taught courses on bioterrorism and launched the Biomedical Security Institute, a joint effort of the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University.

*There will be a public reception in Falk Library following the lecture.


Monday, January 30, noon–1 p.m., Scaife Hall, Lecture Room 1

Taylor Seybolt, PhD, will present “Health, Humanitarian Aid, and Conflict” as part of the Global Health and Underserved Population Series.

*A light lunch will be served.


Monday, February 6, noon–1 p.m., Scaife Hall, Lecture Room 1

Phalguni Gupta, PhD, will present “HIV in India” as part of the Global Health and Underserved Population Series.

*A light lunch will be served.


Global Health Film Series:

The Global Health Film Series is sponsored by the Global Health Student Association and the Center for Global Health. Watch for announcements about these upcoming monthly film events.

Further information is available from the National Library of Medicine.

~ Barb Folb