This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Changes Coming to the CMC

Do you remember Falk Library’s Learning Resource Center (LRC)? The LRC was created in 1982 with a donation of audiovisual equipment in memory of Pharmacology Professor Paul L. Mclain. Since then, audiovisual resources have become integral to our users. The modest LRC expanded as new advances in computer-based health care education were increasingly available.

As a result of the computer revolution of the late 1980’s, and in order to reflect advances in computer technology, the LRC evolved into the Microcomputer and Media Center (MMC). The MMC’s small computer lab provided a personal computer experience to the health sciences community. Falk Library’s online catalogue, WordPerfect word processing software, and dot matrix printing attracted patrons by the dozens looking for hand-on experience with DOS and Apple systems, as well as the new fangled Windows 1.0.

By 1992, the MMC had tripled the number of computers while providing access to MARS, FTP protocols, education software and laser printing. In 1999, the MMC expanded again to become the Computer and Media Center (CMC). The name change embodied our commitment to enhance both the computer and media-based technological abilities of the Health Sciences Library System. The Computer and Media Center currently provides up-to-date hardware, software and network connectivity to improve health care education and access to medical information.

To meet the demands of 21st century ubiquitous computing, the computer lab is moving out!

In the next several months, our Help Desk, desktop computers, and public printing stations will be moved out of the CMC and onto the upper floor of the library. We’ll also be increasing the number of circulating tablet and laptop computers. In all, the only thing lost will be the walls! For those who enjoy the lab-type atmosphere, a classroom setting will be available for patrons when not in use.

Stay tuned for further information about dates and details!

~ Fran Yarger