This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Director's Reflections… A New Year, a New Update Format, and Continuing Appreciation of Library Donors

Barbara EpsteinAs you can see from the long list of articles in this issue, the number of news items about the library’s resources and activities continues to grow.

Therefore, beginning in January 2011, we will switch to a new publishing format. Newsletter articles of immediate interest to our readers will be available through an RSS feed shortly after they are written. This new publishing model will give you quicker access to valuable information. The bi-monthly issue will still be published on the current schedule, and will contain a compilation of the articles from the RSS feed, and other less time-sensitive information. Stay tuned for information on how to access the new RSS feed.

As traditional in this December issue, listed below are the generous donors who supported HSLS in the past year with monetary gifts and in-kind contributions. We remain extremely grateful for their support.

Best wishes to all for a happy holiday season, and a successful and prosperous new year!

Monetary Contributions

  • Dr. Cuneyt Alper
  • Dr. Nancy Baker
  • Dr. Eileen Maria Bartolomucci
  • Ms. Martha A. Duncan
  • Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Eck
  • Ms. M. Jane Burgett Ehrke
  • Ms. Barbara A. Epstein
  • Dr. Kenneth L. Euler
  • Ms. Dorothy I. Foor
  • Dr. William Goins
  • Mr. and Mrs. David Koch
  • Dr. David Mucuha Muigai
  • Ms. Maureen Perrino
  • Mr. Frederick Allan Prinz
  • Dr. Joseph Salkowitz
  • Dr. John B. Schumann
  • Dr. Elizabeth A. Schlenk
  • Ms. Maria Pimentel-Schumann
  • Dr. Earl Charles Smith
  • Ms. Cynthia R. Trapano
  • UPMC Shadyside Auxiliary

Gifts of Books or Journals

  • Dr. Thomas W. Braun
  • Ms. Theresa Brown
  • Ms. Debbie Downey
  • Dr. Rohan Ganguli
  • Ms. Harriet O. Goshen
  • Dr. David Lesondak
  • Dr. Arthur S. Levine
  • Dr. Eric Miller
  • Shadyside Hospital Foundation
  • Ms. Lynda Tunon