This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Mobile MedlinePlus®

MobileMedlinePlusOne of the most trusted Web sites for consumer health information, MedlinePlus®, is now available on your mobile device. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) developed Mobile MedlinePlus® in order to reach as large an audience as possible and to be usable on a variety of devices. Whether you are here in the United States or traveling abroad, reliable health information is available at your fingertips.
The content on Mobile MedlinePlus® is a subset of the content you will find on NLM’s authoritative Web site, MedlinePlus®. Utilizing Vivisimo technology, the same technology that powers the HSLS Web site’s search function, users can:

  • Search using keywords.
  • Browse or search over 800 health topic summaries.
  • Search for over-the-counter or prescription medication information.
  • Search for disease information with images in the medical encyclopedia.

Information on the mobile site is available in both English and Spanish.

Please take note that Mobile MedlinePlus® is an actual mobile Web site and not a mobile “app” (application). Blackberry users will find special instructions on the FAQ Mobile MedlinePlus® page.

Whether you are on the go or at home, high-quality health information is only a touch away.


  1. Frant L. Badke W. Mobile MedlinePlus®: Health Information On-the-Go. NLM Technical Bulletin. 372(Jan-Feb 2010):e6.

~ Michelle Burda