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Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, etc.


Renae Barger, has been promoted to assistant director for Access Services. Her areas of responsibility include the library’s circulation and document delivery departments, as well as stacks and space management, and onsite and remote storage facilities.  In addition, she participates in overall library management as a member of the HSLS Executive Committee.

Michelle Burda, consumer health librarian, was recognized for her advisory role in reviewing and editing the publication Survivorship Guide for Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant: Coping with Late Effects. Stronach, 2010. Southfield, MI: National Bone Marrow Transplant LINK.

Ansuman Chattopadhyay, head, Molecular Biology Information Service, presented three lectures at the fifth Workshop on Genetic Epidemiological Methods for Dissection of Complex Traits in Kolkata, India, February 17-24, 2010.

Jonathan Erlen, history of medicine librarian is the associate book review editor of The Watermark: Newsletter of the Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences and has been appointed to the Local Arrangements Committee of the 2010 Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science Conference.

Carrie Iwema, information specialist in Molecular Biology, has been appointed to the Medical Library Association’s Grants and Scholarships Committee for a three-year term.

Melissa Ratajeski, reference librarian, has been appointed chair of the Medical Library Association’s Beatty Award Jury for 2010-2011.

Patricia Weiss, reference librarian, has been appointed to the Medical Library Association’s David A. Kronick Traveling Fellowship Jury.



Jonathon Erlen, history of medicine librarian published “Dissertations” in AVISTA Forum Journal, 19(1/2):146-155, 2009 and “Dissertation/Theses” in the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 26(2):573, 2009.

Liping Song, electronic resources cataloging and access librarian published “The Road to CONSER—Taken by the Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh” in Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 48(2/3):143-152, February 2010.