This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Libraries Open at New Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC

100_1552aThe Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) is pleased to announce expanded library service at the new Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (CHP) of UPMC in Lawrenceville.  Located on the sixth floor of the hospital in the center of family and clinical activity, the bright and spacious Family Resource Center includes separate areas for the Moulis Children’s, Young Adult, and Family Health Libraries as well as the Blaxter Medical Library.

Clinicians and staff will be awed by the new look of the Blaxter Medical Library and its panoramic view of Pittsburgh.  Comfortable chairs and study tables are available throughout, with strategically placed floor outlets for laptop computers.  new-chp-lawrenceville-012aAlso available for clinicians’ use is the addition of a wireless conference room, private study carrels, and a separate open space with seven desktop computers.  New clinical library services also include classes on searching bibliographic databases such as PubMed, CINAHL and Embase,  EndNote training, and HSLS orientation, with other classes to be added over time.  Individual search consultations continue to be available on request.

In keeping with the mission of family-centered care at CHP, library services for families now include a Family Business Center, complete with computers, printer, copier, fax and phone for new-chp-lawrenceville-002afamily members who need a temporary office while their child is hospitalized.  Adults can also relax in a comfortable lounge with a fireplace and solarium stocked with recreational reading materials. CHP features wireless Internet connection throughout, for both family and clinical use. The Moulis Children’s Library continues to offer high-quality children’s books and audiobooks for infants through early readers, while the Young Adult Library houses the latest in young adult fiction and non-fiction books and audiobooks along with computers and a flat-screen television.  At the Family Health Library, families can research their child’s condition, either by browsing our extensive collection or working with an HSLS medical librarian to search for more detailed information.

Visit the CHP libraries Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., or call 412-692-5288.

~ Andrea Ketchum