This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Director’s Reflections…October is National Medical Librarians Month!

barbaraThe Medical Library Association has declared October as National Medical Librarians Month to raise awareness of the important role of the health information professional.  Medical librarians are an integral part of the healthcare team.  They have a direct impact on the quality of patient care and research by helping users stay current about advances in their specialty areas.  They teach students and healthcare providers how to find and evaluate information, and provide access to resources in a variety of formats.

HSLS includes 24 faculty librarians on its staff, each with at least a master’s degree, and several with second master’s degrees and/or doctoral degrees.  Their responsibilities vary widely: some are in public services such as school liaisons, expert search consultation and instruction.  Others are subject specialists in molecular biology, history of medicine, animal research, and consumer health services.  HSLS librarians also may be specialists in collection development, cataloging, Web management, and computer services.

Stop by the display cases in Falk Library to “Meet Your HSLS Librarians” in October.

Posted in the 2009 Issue