This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

ILL/Document Delivery Fee Increase

Beginning January 1, 2009, the cost for obtaining an article or book from another library, as well as the fees for scanning articles by library staff, will increase from $3.50 to $5.00 per request. Even though our costs have continually risen, we have not raised our fees in nine years.  This $5.00 fee, which is more in line with what other academic health sciences libraries charge, is still a bargain considering HSLS pays $11-$15 per request, plus the costs of interlibrary loan copyright royalties.

Rush and priority fees will remain the same and there will still be no charge to obtain copies from HSLS storage or books from any University of Pittsburgh library.  To request materials use HSLS Document Delivery Services.

~ Renae Barger

Posted in the 2008 Issue