GeneXplain invites you to participate in an upcoming webseminar on TRANSFAC® database and its applications.

The webseminar will be held on October 21st, 2020, at 12 PM Eastern.

To get the link, please complete a simple registration form.

At the webseminar the founder and initiator of TRANSFAC® database Prof. Dr. Edgar Wingender, CEO of geneXplain GmbH, will guide us though the historical origins, basic concepts and current status of gene regulation aspects in the context of TRANSFAC® database. Special emphasis will be given to the recent developments of TRANSFAC® database, which fully address the latest needs of gene regulation studies.

The second part of the webseminar will be presented by Dr. Volker Matys, who has been working on TRANSFAC® for more than twenty years and is currently in charge of customer support for TRANSFAC® at geneXplain GmbH. Dr. Volker Matys will demonstrate TRANSFAC® applications for various biological research needs with focus on analysis of genomic sequences for potential transcription factor binding sites with the tools Match™ and FMatch.

If you have missed our previous webseminars on transcription factors and their classification, COVID-19 prospective drug targets and treatments discovery or in silico approach to finding potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents among one billion molecules, you can watch their video records here.