• WHAT: Pathway Enrichment Analysis–Open Access Tools
  • WHEN: October 9th, 10am-12pm & 1-3pm
  • WHERE: Scaife Hall, Falk Library, Classroom 2
  • WHO: Ansuman Chattopahyay & Sri Chaparala
  • HOW: Register here

Workshop Objective:

This is a 4-hour workshop. The morning session (10am – 12pm) provides a brief overview of bioinformatics concepts and software used for interpreting a gene list using pathway and network information. The afternoon session (1pm – 3pm) focuses on hands-on practice using Open Access (and routinely updated) tools–BioJupies, GEO2R, GSEA – Broad Institute, g:Profiler, and Cytoscape.

Participants will learn how to

Target Audience:

Experimental biologists seeking to analyze gene lists generated through omics experiments. The software covered in the workshop operates through a user-friendly, point-and-click graphical user Interface, so neither programming experience nor familiarity with command line interface is required.

Workshop Guide:

Suggested Reading:


Please include the following statement in the acknowledgments section for all publications, posters, and presentations: Data analysis was performed using {name of software} software licensed through the Molecular Biology Information Service of the Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh.

HSLS Fall 2019 MolBio Info Service Training Workshops schedule

Contact the HSLS Molecular Biology Information Service with any questions.