Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 1-4 p.m.
Online or In Person in the Falk Library Classroom
Taught by Ansuman Chattopadhyay and Srilakshmi Chaparala
Register for Gene Regulation

This workshop provides an overview of resources and search strategies for transcriptional regulation. Emphasis will be placed on HSLS-licensed TRANSFAC/Match and Correlation Engine software, as well as open-access tools like the UCSC Genome Browser and the Cistrome Data Browser.

Target Audience: Experimental biologists interested in analyzing bulk RNA-Seq and/or ChIP-Seq data, whether generated through their own experiments or retrieved from repositories such as GEO, will find this workshop particularly useful. The software covered in the workshop features a user-friendly, point-and-click graphical user interface, eliminating the need for programming experience or familiarity with the command-line interface.
Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • retrieve information linked with a transcription factor
  • retrieve the promoter sequence for a gene of interest
  • extract transcription regulatory elements–promoters, enhancers, and silencers associated with a gene of interest
  • identify the transcription factor binding site(s) present in a DNA sequence
  • identify transcription factor binding sites present in a ChIP-Seq dataset (motif discovery)
  • identify upstream regulatory transcription factors for a differentially expressed gene data set
  • start with a gene expression data set and find correlated studies with gene perturbation experiments (knock-out, knock-down, etc.) available in the GEO database
  • start with a ChIP-Seq data set and find factors that have a significant binding overlap with the ChIP-Seq peak set
Recording status: This class will be recorded and shared with attendees.
Class Materials: Class materials will be shared with attendees.