- WHAT: Introduction to R
- WHEN: June 30th, 10-11am
- WHERE: Online; instructions upon registration
- WHO: Jenna C. Carlson, PhD
- HOW: Register here
Workshop Objective:
This is the first part of a three-part series: Introduction to R; Data Management in R, and Data Visualization in R. This is a flipped class covering the basics of R programming for data analysis and graphics. Upon registration, you will receive links to workshop materials (PowerPoint slides, lecture videos, and practice exercises) that you can view on your schedule. During the class, you will learn how to solve the exercise problems.
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
- identify components of the R interface
- perform simple calculations in R
- identify and compare data types in R
- use existing functions in R
- write simple functions in R
- load external packages in R
Workshop Guide: https://hsls.libguides.com/MBISworkshops/Rintro
Target Audience: Novice R users or anyone seeking to learn how to use R for data analysis and graphics. Neither programming experience nor familiarity with R is required.
HSLS Summer 2021 MolBio Info Service Training Workshops schedule
Contact the HSLS Molecular Biology Information Service with any questions.
(Photo by Cris DiNoto on Unsplash)