You’re invited to attend!
Open Science Symposium
October 18 – 19, 2018
Mellon Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
You are cordially invited to join us for CMU’s inaugural Open Science Symposium.
This interdisciplinary event will provide a forum to discuss the opportunities and challenges of adopting and fostering open science practices in the life sciences and related disciplines. The first day (October 18) will feature panel discussions with guest speakers and provide opportunities for conversation and forming collaborations, including an interactive “Scientific Speed Dating Event.” The second day (October 19) will be a series of hands-on workshops on tools that support open science. Registration is free for all attendees and open to those at CMU, Pitt, and beyond.
Register by October 12 to secure your spot at the symposium and workshops!
Melanie Gainey | Ana Van Gulick | Huajin Wang | University Libraries
Eric Yttri | Biological Sciences
A Mellon College of Science event, funded by the DSF Charitable Foundation