You MUST register for ALL of the following:
- Center for Research Computing HPC allocation. Under “description” write CLC Genomics.
- CLC Genomics Workbench
- Biomedical Genomics Workbench
- WHEN: June 6th, 1-3 pm
- WHERE: Scaife Hall, Falk Library, Classroom 2
- WHO: Sri Chaparala
This two-part hands-on workshop is an introduction to RNA-Seq analysis using the library-licensed CLC Genomics Workbench.
In Intro to RNA-Seq & CLC Genomics learn how to (1) import NGS reads from a published NCBI GEO dataset (GSE52778), (2) perform quality control check on imported reads, (3) trim sequence reads based on quality score, adapter contamination, etc, and (4) align RNA-Seq data to a reference genome.
Advanced RNA-Seq & CLC Genomics will cover how to (1) calculate known genes and transcript expressions from mapped reads, (2) perform QC on mapping results, (3) perform differential expression analysis, (4) create visualization plots – Heatmap, Volcano Plot, Venn Diagram, etc., and (5) display mapped reads alignment data in the context of the reference genome.
HSLS Summer MolBio Info Service Training Workshops schedule
Please contact the HSLS Molecular Biology Information Service with any questions.