What's New @ HSLS MolBio | August 2023

August 30: CLC Genomics Workbench for Microbial Genomics Research

Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 1-3 p.m.
Register for CLC Genomics Workbench for Microbial Genomics Research

This class will provide an introduction to the use of CLC Genomics Workbench for microbial genomics analysis. Participants will learn how to access the CLCbio Genomics Server hosted by Pitt CRC, and will be introduced to the workflows and databases available in CLCbio.

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September 5: Introduction to R

Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 1-2 p.m.
Register for Introduction to R

This workshop adopts a flipped classroom model, providing you with access to PowerPoint slides, lecture videos, and practice exercises in the workshop guide for self-paced learning. 

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Struggling with R? The newest member of the MolBio team can help!

R Office Hours
Thursdays, 1-2 p.m.

Are you new to working with R? Need advice on some stubborn coding? Have pressing questions or just need some guidance with your data analysis? MolBio is pleased to begin offering virtual office hours specifically to provide help with R.

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Webinar: Accelerate Target Discovery with Illumina’s Correlation Engine

Research scientists are challenged by the need to put their private omics data into biological context with public data. This analysis requires time-consuming literature-based searches and manual comparison with open-source datasets of variable quality. Illumina’s Correlation Engine is an interactive omics knowledgebase that puts private data in biological context with highly curated public data in a comprehensive and easy to use platform.

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BioRender Webinar Series @ Pitt

BioRender is a web-based program that helps you create scientific figures up to 50x faster than traditional tools. The tool combines a library of over 50,000 scientifically accurate, expert-validated life science icons and templates for creating publication-quality figures in minutes – no drawing skills required!

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August 16: Command Line (Unix) Computing for Biologists

Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 1-4 p.m.
Register for Command Line (Unix) Computing for Biologists

This class aims to empower researchers with the essential skills needed to utilize bioinformatics tools operated through the Command Line Interface.

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