November 1, 2022, 1-2 p.m. ET

Join via Zoom

The vast complexities of biology require approaches that build a complete picture from single cells to tissues and beyond. Single-cell analysis is a powerful technique to characterize complex tissue types, identify rare cell populations, uncover regulatory relationships between genes, and track cell trajectories.

Join us for this live webinar presented by 10x Genomics and Partek for researchers at the University of Pittsburgh. We will demonstrate the Partek data analysis and visualization tools available to you from the HSLS to analyze your 10x Genomics Chromium single-cell data.


  • 10x Genomics technologies and tools
  • How to the access the HSLS Partek® Flow® license
  • Single cell RNA-Seq live demo
    • Pre-processing and QA/QC
    • Visualizing data with UMAP, t-SNE, violin plot, heatmap, etc.
    • Biological interpretation and pathway enrichment
  • Q&A

For more information, contact Julie Milnes ( or Kelly Kyle (