- WHAT: Visual Abstracts
- WHEN: November 12th, 12-1pm
- WHERE: Online; instructions upon registration
- WHO: Rose Turner & Carrie Iwema
- HOW: Register here
Learn how to visually summarize your article information to increase the reach of your research.
This is a “flipped class” format. Upon registration you will receive links to 4 videos (~30 min total) that you can watch on your schedule, along with a couple of suggested activities to create your own Visual Abstracts.
During the scheduled class time we will divide into breakout rooms and provide feedback on each other’s Visual Abstracts. The instructors will also answer any questions that you have about creating them.
You must have a University of Pittsburgh ID to access these videos. If you are a UPMC resident or fellow, please contact us so that we can provide alternate video links.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.