- WHAT: Pathway Visualization: ePath3D & Cytoscape
- WHEN: Wednesday, 1st August 2018, 1-3pm
- WHERE: Scaife Hall, Falk Library, Classroom 2
- WHO: Sri Chaparala
- HOW: Register here
Also register for ePath3D.
This hands-on workshop will focus on library licensed and open access biological pathway visualization tools. Participants will learn how to (1) draw publication ready biological pathway diagrams using ePath3D and (2) navigate Cytoscape, a tool for integrating, visualizing and analyzing data in the context of networks.
Workshop Guide: http://hsls.libguides.com/pathviz
This class is approved for AMA Category 2 CME credit.
HSLS Summer 2018 MolBio Info Service Training Workshops schedule