Don’t miss a great chance to expand your teaching portfolio! Request a spot in the seventh round of “How-To Talks by Postdocs”, Fall 2016.
The “How-To Talks” are a collaboration between the Molecular Biology Information Service (MBIS) of the Health Science Library System (HSLS), the Center for Postdoctoral Affairs in the Health Sciences, and of course all of you biomedical postdocs.
Modeled after the MBIS workshops, instructors are encouraged to teach a 1 hour workshop to a class of no more than 24 attendees. The specific topic will be up to the discretion of the postdoc, but must be a “how to” style talk rather than a seminar. The MBIS will work with postdocs to create a workshop that is both a positive teaching experience and instructive to attendees.
Please note that the topic can be ANYTHING related to health sciences, not specifically molecular biology or bioinformatics.
Topics from previous Postdoc Talks include: molecular cloning, histology image processing using Photoshop, CV preparation, choosing matrices for 3D cell culture, DNA/RNA immunoprecipitation & NGS, correlation of methylation profiles w/expression data, CRISPR, UNIX for biologists, ethics of scientific image manipulation, protein expression analysis, identifying genes from exome sequencing, using 3D printing for tissue engineering, a guide to writing letters of recommendation, and more.
All postdoc instructors will receive feedback, a letter of acknowledgement, and optional videotaping of their session with an opportunity to have the video posted on the HSLS YouTube channel. If you’ve already presented, feel free to present again, either the same topic or something new. However, preference will be given to new instructors.
Contact MBIS for more info here.