We have 2 MORE new HSLS MolBio licensed tools!

(1) Ingenuity Variant Analysis (IVA)

IVA combines analytical tools and integrated content to help you rapidly identify and prioritize variants by drilling down to a small, targeted subset of compelling variants based both upon published biological evidence and your own knowledge of disease biology. With Variant Analysis, you can interrogate your variants from multiple biological perspectives, explore different biological hypotheses, and identify the most promising variants for follow-up.


(2) Biomedical Genomics Workbench

Biomedical Genomics Workbench is a comprehensive and accurate data analysis platform that enables you to find the signal in the noise in your cancer and hereditary disease NGS data. With its broad selection of end-to-end analysis workflows, tools, and visualization modules, it enables easy and accurate discovery, verification, and validation of novel disease biomarkers.
