- Do you have a great file-naming system that everyone in the lab uses, or have you “lost” files because lab members moved on and you’re not sure how their files were labeled?
- Do you have a protocol for sharing your data, or do you still have questions about credit and proper usage?
- Do you have a data management plan in place, or do you need help coming up with one? We would love to have a conversation with you to discuss all of these issues and more.
The Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) is conducting a research study to collect information on researcher’s work flows and data management practices. Participation in the study will require one interview, conducted in the researcher’s lab space, and take an average of 45-60 minutes.
You are under no obligation to participate in this research study. There is no anticipated harm to you associated with participating in the interview and you have the right to withdraw from the study at any point. Our intention is that participation in this interview will benefit you and your research laboratory by bringing to light possible modifications that could be made regarding management of data in your research setting.
The data received will be used for research purposes and library educational efforts. Your responses will remain confidential and data will be saved on a password protected server.
To participate or if you have questions please contact the study PI: Melissa Ratajeski (mar@pitt.edu).
(image from DataONE)