CLC bio Field Application Scientists are coming to Pitt (date to be determined) to provide training on CLC software tools that the HSLS MolBio Information Service has made available to faculty, staff and students.
These include:
- The Main Workbench, for general molecular biology.
- The Genomics Workbench, for analysis of NGS data.
- The Genomics Server, for managing large-scale NGS projects.
***Please answer 3 questions to help guide the training schedule.***
Thank you – please return your answers to Naomi Thomson and Carrie Iwema.
1. Do you currently use any of the above software tools?
- Main Workbench
- Genomics Workbench
- Genomics Server
- Not Yet, I didn’t know we had access to such great tools
- I do not need CLC’s bioinformatics software
2. If you answered “yes” or “not yet” to question 1, for what types of analysis would you like more training – Please list in order of relevance.
- NGS Sequencing
- Resequencing
- Variant Detection
- Variant Functional Consequences
- RNA_Seq
- ChIP Seq
- Creating Workflows and other automation
- Comparing Variants
- Other
3. We may be able to spend time with individual labs during our visit. If this would be helpful for your lab, how much time would you need and what would you like to cover?