
What: BIOBASE hands-on training

When: April 8, 2014

Where:Falk Library, Classroom 2

You’re welcome to attend 1, 2, or all 3 sessions!

9 am – noon Proteome/TRANSFAC analysis using BIOBASE Knowledge Library (BKL)

Interested in finding out what’s known in the scientific literature about a particular gene, disease or drug? Want to apply that information to high-throughput data analysis? Interested in finding out about transcription factors and miRNAs related to your research? Learn to search the BIOBASE Knowledge Library (BKL) by topic or analyze multi-gene data sets.

noon – 1 pm Lunch break

1-3 pm ExPlain tool for upstream analysis of differential expression data

Interested in microarray, ChIP-chip or ChIP-seq analysis? ExPlain™ is a unique upstream data analysis system that combines promoter and pathway analysis tools and enables you to identify transcription factors affecting gene expression in your microarray and RNA-Seq experiments, as well as predict how they, in combination, can induce observed gene expression patterns. Come learn how to take your analysis further and gain insight into the key upstream signaling regulators influencing the activity of these transcription factors.

3:15-4 pm HGMD & Genome Trax for variant analysis

Got mutations? HGMD® Professional is a unique resource providing comprehensive data on human inherited disease mutations. Its compilation of structured, manually curated data from the peer-reviewed literature enables quick access to both single mutation queries and advanced search applications. HGMD® is widely used in human genetics research, diagnostics, and personal genomics applications. Genome Trax™ is a data analysis tool which works with HGMD® and other data sources to enable scientists to identify human genome variations of functional significance by mapping their NGS data to known elements such as disease mutations and regulatory sites.