Automated Personal Genome Analysis for Clinical Advisors: Challenges and Solutions
May 3-5, 2013
The conference will be held at the Hillman Center for Future-Generation Technologies in the School of Computer Science Complex at Carnegie Mellon University.
The future of personalized medicine is often envisaged as doctors interrogating a “Dr. in a Box” that integrates multiple streams of data – whole patient genomes, blood tests, scans, and other information – to detect anomalies, diagnose disease, monitor response to therapy, and track changes in health over time. Of particular importance will be the ability to predict disease risk and treatment responsiveness from personal genome information. Developing machine learning software to model the relationships between complex diseases and genome variation is a major challenge. The goal of this conference is to assess the state of the field and to stimulate development of open source solutions. The conference will also seek to address a range of issues surrounding the future adoption of such technology.
The conference will be held May 3-5 on the Carnegie Mellon campus and is supported through a generous gift from Jonathan Rothberg and Family. It will begin right after lunch on that Friday and end Sunday afternoon.