Renae Barger is named Associate Vice Chancellor when long-time director Barbara Epstein retires. Four new assistant directors are named. Flexible schedules are implemented for staff returning from remote work.
Online instruction is in the forefront. Class attendee declares, “I learned so much, and a few (important) key changes I can make to using EndNote with my co-authors to make collaborating on manuscripts 10x easier! The instructor was so patient and willing to help! Attending was a great experience.” (EndNote for Remote Teams)
HSLS prepares the research community to meet the Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing. A literature search for an IACUC protocol results in changes to a lab’s proposed procedures and model.
Cambridge “Read & Publish” Agreement provides both read access and free open-access publishing. Robust online collections are supplemented with newly scanned HSLS items in PittCat.
Exhibit of medical medals wins the People’s Choice award at a regional convention of numismatists. Two video series highlight unique items from the History of Medicine collection.
A new endeavor with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute teaches others how to survive an infodemic. Librarians support a winning team in the Global Health Case competition.