Register for an introduction to Pathway Studio.

Count on Pathway Studio to help you | Elsevier Solutions

  • WHO:  Elsevier’s Pathway Studio representatives–Stephen Sharp, Chris Cheadle, Anton Yuryev
  • WHAT:  An overview of Pathway Studio and searching basics, Pathway Studio vs other softwares (comparing gene expression algorithms for the identification of expression regulators), Q&A
  • WHEN:  Thursday, August 17th, 12-2 pm
  • WHERE:  HSLS, Falk Library, 1st floor, Conference Room B
  • HOW:  Register here
  • WHY:  “Because every researcher and every project has unique data analysis needs, Pathway Studio is flexible in how it you can use it in your work. It supports all common laboratory data formats for proteomics, metabolomics and expression data, including NGS expression (RNA-Seq) as well as NGS variant (VCF) data. So whether you need to run a simple database query to better understand the biology of a specific gene or protein interaction, identify a potential drug target or biomarker, or build a complex disease model, you can easily access the information you need precisely when you need it.”


