- WHAT: FAIR Data Sharing
- WHEN: November 30th, 10:30-11:30am
- WHERE: Online; instructions upon registration
- WHO: Melissa Ratajeski
- HOW: Register here

- WHAT: Pathway Enrichment Analysis & Visualization with GSEA & Cytoscape
- WHEN: December 1st, 10am-12pm & 1-3pm
- WHERE: In-person or Online; instructions upon registration
- WHO: Ansuman Chattopadhyay & Sri Chaparala
- HOW: Register here

The Research Computing Education initiative (RCE) in partnership with the University Library System (ULS) and the Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) are looking for teaching assistants (TAs) to support informal data science education at the University.

Participating journals are interested in recruiting editors and/or reviewers based on the public feedback they’ve provided on preprints. Join the Preprint Reviewer Recruitment Network to share your experience or get help in creating your first preprint review.

Want to stay on top of the latest tips and tricks for performing bioinformatics data analyses in your area of research?

Want to stay on top of the latest tips and tricks for performing bioinformatics data analyses in your area of research?