Instruction by our Liaison Librarians is scheduled in-house and through requests for tailored sessions from faculty and staff in the schools of the health sciences and UPMC residents/fellows. Liaison Librarians are integrated into the undergraduate and graduate programs in the schools of Dental Medicine, Health and Rehabilitation Services, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Public Health. Instructional activities include:
Serve on curriculum committees
Provide formal instruction
Participate in new faculty and student orientations
Offer consultation and searching services
Contribute as co-investigators on systematic reviews
Health Science Outreach Programs
Librarians collaborated with a number of health sciences departments to provide instruction and orientations as part of their outside programs for a total of 15 sessions and 400 participants. Participants ranged from high school students in the School of Medicine’s Health Careers Scholars Academy to international visiting scholars from the Tsinghua University School of Medicine.
New Classes Offered in FY 19
Librarians schedule in-house instruction each semester on a variety of timely topics including evidence-based searching, research data management, data visualization, citation management, scholarly communication, and instructional and visual design. These sessions are open to all faculty, students and staff at the University, as well as UPMC residents and fellows.
New classes developed for FY 19:
Recognizing Predatory Journals: Flattery and Fibs
My NCBI: Save & Customize Your Searches in PubMed
Altmetrics for grant applications: Indicators for Public Engagement and Contributions to Science
Leaving Pitt? How to Access Biomedical Information in the Real World
EndNote for Research Teams
Finding Retracted Articles
From Protocol to Publication: Selecting the Right Reporting Guideline for Your Paper, Study, or Article
Managing data for comprehensive lit reviews: DistillerSR
MolBio Instruction
The Molecular Biology Information Service (MolBio) saw a 125% increase in the number of attendees at workshops and trainings and an 89% increase in the number of teaching sessions offered in the past year.
Systematic Review Workshop
For the past ten years, HSLS has hosted librarians from across the U.S. and Canada at our popular “Systematic Review Workshop: The Nuts and Bolts for Librarians.” This intensive 2.5-day workshop has been offered three times a year since November 2009, growing out of an internal working group to address the increasing number of requests from Pitt faculty for systematic reviews. Since then, the workshop has provided instruction to more than 700 participants, and brought rave reviews and recognition to HSLS. In FY 19, the session was held 3 times for 72 participants, and it was decided to end the workshop series with a final session in July 2019.