This season’s lineup offers a diverse range of contemporary bioinformatics topics, an introductory class on using the All of Us Researcher Workbench, a new class on coding with AI, and two bootcamp series focusing on R and Python.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 1-4 p.m.
Register for Bulk RNA-seq data analysis using CLC Genomics Workbench
This workshop teaches bulk RNA-Seq data analysis using CLC Genomics Workbench software. Upon registration, you will receive links to workshop materials that you can view on your schedule.

All of Us office hours are for people with general questions about the All of Us Research Program* database or more pointed questions about their analysis. These sessions are held on alternating Fridays and are open to all Pitt or UPMC affiliates.

Are you facing challenges with R or Python? Do you have urgent questions or simply need guidance on your data analysis? HSLS MolBio is offers office hours for exactly these purposes every Thursday! These sessions are not structured as a workshop and do not include a lecture.

The Center for Research Computing (CRC) supports leading-edge research with free access to advanced computing hardware and software for fields across the entire research community, along with training and consultation by CRC research faculty. During this fall semester they are offering a workshop series covering a broad range of topics, including an introduction to CRC’s specialized resources and data storage systems.

The fall Bioinformatics Workshop Series from the Center for Research and Computing (CRC) is designed to address practical issues often encountered in bioinformatics work. These workshops are designed to help users understand and work with the CRC clusters.