Wednesday, April 12, 1-3 p.m., online
This workshop provides an overview of resources and search strategies on transcriptional regulation. Emphasis will be given to HSLS-licensed TRANSFAC/Match and Correlation Engine software and open-access tools such as the UCSC genome browser and Cistrome data browser.

Wednesday, April 19, 1-3 p.m., online
Register for Command Line for Biologists
This workshop is based on the Software Carpentry Lesson on the Unix Shell. The Unix shell is a powerful tool that allows users to perform simple tasks, including managing data.

Join the Center for Research Computing, Pitt IT, the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and Pitt Research on April 21 for a symposium looking back and looking forward at how computing-driven research responded to the myriad aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Celebrate achievements and lessons with colleagues and hear two national keynote speakers, along with researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon.

The All of Us Evenings with Genetics Research Program (Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine) provides Researcher Workbench assistance for all registered users. During the first hour, the All of Us Evenings with Genetics Research Program support staff will present tutorials related to the topic of the week.