The All of Us Research Program Institutional Onramp
Register for the Virtual Conference
10/3/22 | 12-2 PM EST
The All of Us Research Program is building one of the most diverse and robust biomedical datasets in the world.

View all MolBio Classes and Training
Upon registration, you will receive links to the Zoom sessions, as well as workshop materials (PowerPoint slides, lecture videos, and practice exercises) that you can view on your schedule.

Tuesday, September 13, 12-1 p.m., online
Register for Introduction to R
This is a flipped class; links to PowerPoint slides, lecture videos, and practice exercises that you can view on your own schedule are available upon registration.

Wednesday, September 14, 1-4 p.m., online
Register for Bulk RNA-seq data analysis using CLC Genomics Workbench
This workshop teaches bulk RNA-Seq data analysis using CLC Genomics Workbench software. Upon registration, you will receive links to workshop materials (PowerPoint slides, lecture videos, and practice exercises) that you can view on your schedule.

Wednesday, September 21, 10-11 a.m.
Register for LabArchives for Pitt Researchers – Research Edition Notebook, Inventory, and Scheduler
Join this 60-minute session to learn how the LabArchives suite of products can be used to securely manage research data, your lab’s physical inventory, and lab resources and equipment.

Tuesday, September 27, 12-1 p.m., online
Register for Data Wrangling in R
This is a flipped class covering the more advanced topics in R programming for data analysis and the second part of a three-part series: Introduction to R; Data Wrangling in R, and Data Visualization in R.