FY 19 Annual Report
The Health Sciences Library System
Programs Funded by the National Library of Medicine
National Library of Medicine Programs at HSLS

Middle Atlantic Region

NNLM Web Services Office

Training and Education Center
MAR as Regional Medical Library
On May 1, 2018, HSLS began the third year of a 5-year cooperative agreement with the National Library of Medicine (NLM). We serve as the Regional Medical Library, or headquarters, for the Middle Atlantic Region (MAR), which includes Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. MAR promotes the access and use of high-quality health information in our four state-region and collaborates with the seven other regions and five offices of NNLM on national initiatives. MAR had additional funding in FY 19 to promote health literacy initiatives in public libraries through a community engagement Administrative Supplement with the All of Us Research Program.
Education by MAR
MAR Staff supports the NNLM mission in three main ways: through direct outreach (webinars, in-person presentations, site visits, and exhibits); through a sub-award program that provides grants to member organizations for local outreach; and through member engagement (networking, resource sharing, and capacity building). In addition to staff-taught classes health literacy, public health, health statistics, grant Writing, PubMed and other NLM resources, NLM MAR also participated in the following for FY 19:

MAR Membership Organizations
MAR provided 40 sub-awards totaling $385,000 to member organizations. Funding supported:
- Health sciences librarians as conduits of information management, access, and delivery within their institution and/or outreach community
- Education and outreach projects that improve access to biomedical and health information and increase the ability of the public and health professionals to use these resources.
- Library projects that improve health information literacy, improve access to, awareness of, and skills to locate high-quality biomedical and health information, and improve understanding and importance in the participation of clinical trials, including the All of Us Research Program
- Individuals working in MAR Network member organizations to enhance their ability to use NLM resources or keep current on topics related to NIH initiatives.

NLMN Web Services Office (NWSO)
HSLS is the home of the NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO). This unit, founded by a UG4 cooperative agreement, charges HSLS with developing and maintaining reliable web-based technologies for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) and its members via the NNLM website and its associated technologies, as well as supporting the TEC’s work with the All of Us Research Program.
NWSO FY 19 Highlights:
- Initiated the NNLM Data Reporting System, a Drupal-centered activity reporting for staff and sub-awardees
- Redesigned the nnlm.gov training opportunities, creating additional access points
- Setup and began hosting the JupyterHub technology supporting the NNLM Research Data Management classes
- Used a Drupal redesign to accommodate new All of Us Research Program content
- Built an Expert Partners database to track All of Us Research Program subject matter experts
Training and Education Center for the All of Us Research Program
FY 19 was the inaugural year for the Training and Education Center (TEC) supporting the All of Us Research Program (AoURP). HSLS receives funding for the TEC through a UG4 Cooperative Agreement from NLM. The TEC employs a team science framework in collaboration with NLM and AoURP leadership to create and implement a variety of educational and training experiences for AoURP key audiences, including participants, researchers, health professionals, and health information consumers.
TEC FY 19 Highlights:
- All of Us Consortium Member Training launched nationwide
- Inaugural All of Us Research Program Speaker Series launched, featuring NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins as the initial speaker
- Created collaborative partnerships with dozens of experts nationwide