FY 19 Annual Report:
The Health Sciences Library System
About HSLS

Who We Are:
The Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) at the University of Pittsburgh offers a wide array of information services, educational opportunities, and resources in print and electronic format to faculty, students, and researchers in the Schools of the Health Sciences.
Our Mission
Through our innovative services, high-quality resources, collaborative spaces, expertise, and partnerships, we advance learning, teaching, research, and service across the health sciences community at the University of Pittsburgh. While maintaining our foundational commitment to excellence, we respond to the changing health sciences and information environments.
Our Home
Falk Library is our physical home, with spaces and technology for study, learning, research, and collaboration.
Falk Library provides a number of study spaces, computers, and printing services; two service desks; instructional and meeting space; and resources on-hand in the library.
Our website serves as the primary gateway to our services and resources.

Our Team
Our team is composed of 29 faculty librarians and 30 professional and paraprofessional staff, led by director Barbara Epstein.
Faculty librarians provide services such as liaisons librarians, offer Data Services, and compose our Molecular Biology Information Services team.
Falk Library staff support operations through front-line service, on-site technology support, document delivery services, web and marketing development, digital resource advancement, and administrative support.
The faculty librarians and staff working in programs funded by the National Library of Medicine are integrated into HSLS as full University of Pittsburgh employees.
Growth in FY 19
FY 19 has seen growth in services and resources. A highlight has been a far-reaching planning effort to prepare for extensive renovations as part of the Scaife Hall West Wing construction project. Highlights of the new space will include updated and expanded learning and study spaces, integrated technology areas, and a new entrance on Lothrop Street. In May 2019, 90,000 print books and journals were moved from Falk Library to the University’s offsite high-density storage facility on Thomas Boulevard in Point Breeze. Remaining in Falk Library is a small collection of current books less than five years old, the leisure reading collection, and rare and historical materials.
Health Sciences Library System Professional Development
At HSLS, we are committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse and inclusive workforce that actively supports collaboration, lifelong learning, and service to the profession and the community.
HSLS New Hires:
*Michael Balkenhol, Health Programming Coordinator, NNLM MAR (Librarian I)
Srilakshmi Chaparala, Bioinformatics Specialist (Librarian I)
Rebekah Miller, Research & Instruction Librarian (Librarian I)
Helena VonVille, Public Health, Research & Instruction Librarian (Librarian III)
*Kirsten Crowhurst, Program Manager, Training & Education Center
*[Robert] Amos Glenn, Instructional Designer, Training & Education Center
*Anthony Harris, Assistant LMS Developer, NWSO
*Tessa Zindren, Program Manager, NNLM MAR
*Funded by UG4 Cooperative Agreement with NLM
HSLS Staff & Faculty Promotions
- Rose Turner, Coordinator of Liaison Services (Librarian II)
- Angela Zack, Coordinator of Knowledge Integration (Librarian III)
HSLS Staff & Faculty Retirements
- Jonathon Erlen, PhD, History of Medicine Librarian (Retired)
- Barbara Folb, Public Health, Research & Instruction Librarian (Retired)
Special Collections and Rare Book Room
The rare and interesting artifacts in Falk Library’s Special and Historical Collections continue to attract visitors from Pitt’s alumni and health sciences groups, as well as unaffiliated researchers from the United States and abroad. Several classes were held in the Rare Book Room using historical materials in anatomy and other topics represented in the collections, stemming from a new collaboration with the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences.

Exhibits at HSLS:
Our exhibits and events programming offers educational experiences, identifies new outreach and partnerships opportunities, and increases visibility for our programs and services. Four major exhibits were on public display at Falk Library in FY 19:

The Health Sciences Library System
Finals Week Events
Therapy Dog Study Breaks

We provided therapy dogs to help students relax during study breaks. In FY 19, over 100 students visited three dogs in December 2018 and over 80 students spent time with furry visitors in April 2019.
Your Brain on Art crafting session

We partnered with the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Creativity during the Art on the Brain exhibit to offer a neurology-themed crafting session during spring finals.