NAPLEX and NCLEX-RN Practice Exams Updated in Exam Master Online®

Exam Master Online®, the online preparation tool for health sciences specialty exams, has recently updated the content of two study guides.

The North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination study guide has been redesigned to more fully simulate the actual experience of taking the NAPLEX, and contains 185 questions covering all topics outlined in the National Associations of Boards of Pharmacy NAPLEX Blueprint.

NAPLEX Practice Exam

The National Council Licensure Exam – RN practice exam has also been updated. It contains 350 multiple choice questions, many focusing on patient needs. Each NCLEX–RN question includes a detailed explanation of the correct answer, and questions can be accessed in either a “study” or “test” mode.

NCLEX-RN Practice Exam

To access either study guide, type the name of the study guide into the Pitt Resources Quick Search box on the HSLS home page.  The guides can also be found in the HSLS Databases A – Z list.

~ Mary Lou Klem