Have You Met JANE (Journal/Author Name Estimator)?

Not sure where to submit your manuscript? Try consulting JANE: Journal/Author Name Estimator, a freely available Web-based tool, to identify suitable journals. In addition to locating journals, JANE can also locate relevant articles to cite in your paper and even help find manuscript reviewers.

To search in JANE, enter the title, author, and/or abstract of the paper in the search box, and click on “Find journals,” “Find authors,” or “Find articles.” JANE will then compare your document to millions of documents in MEDLINE to find the best matching journals, authors or articles. JANE can also be searched by keyword.

JANE is updated monthly and includes papers with abstracts that were published in the last 10 years. The database works by searching for the 50 articles that are most similar to your input. For each of these articles, a similarity score between that article and your input is calculated. The similarity scores of all the articles belonging to a certain journal or author are summed to calculate the confidence score for that journal or author. The results are ranked by confidence score.

JANE also calculates an Article Influence (AI) score. The AI measures how often articles in the journal are cited within the first five years after its publication. These citations are weighted based on the influence of the journals from which citations are received: being cited in an article in Science can boost a journal’s AI more than being cited in an article in an obscure journal.

No need to worry about submitting your abstract to JANE. The information sent to the JANE server is not stored. It is kept in memory for as long as needed to calculate the scores and formulate the response page, and then it is discarded from memory.

JANE is produced by the The Biosemantics Group.

Parts of this article were reprinted from the JANE: Journal/Author Name Estimator Web site.

~ Jill Foust